Tuesday, August 27, 2019

False Fall, Some Needed Rain, & Root Scouting

False Fall, Some Needed Rain, & Root Scouting

After a long dry spell, we have finally had some much needed and measurable rain here in SW Ohio. It has turned the air cool and damp or,  as I like to call it "False Fall". I managed to get a good day of root scouting in before the rain. Lots of spots mapped out for fall root digging, most of which will be used for tincture and salves. This is the time I year I start planning for the upcoming cold and flu season by preparing echinacea, elderberries, and some good, strong fire cider to break free from any illness thrown my way. Some of these concoctions will be available for sale once they are ready. I am also working a lovely pouch for the giveaway.

Sunwyn's Sundries will be vending alongside Roo's Realm at Dayton Pagan Pride Day on September 21st. I have been working on new stock as well as old favorites. Come check us out if you can. There is also a GoFundMe I have started to help save a portion of the land we are living on from becoming a roundup soaked soybean field. With forests burning all around the world, I am trying to save a small part here in Ohio. Please share if you can. This forest is a haven for some native and endangered plants as well as hard to find reptiles.

Save a Climax Forest!

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Hot and Dry August & Musings About the Fall to Come

It's been horribly hot and dry here in SW Ohio for the last few weeks. Most of the plants that looked lovely at Midsummer have faded and are now going to seed. There are a few that are only now grearing up to bloom like the mugwort, monkshood, sweet annie, and pineapple sage. I am looking forward to the influx of color.

Scouting the roots I will be digging this fall. Some are looking pretty worn and if we don't get rain soon, I will be harvesting them earlier than I expected to.  It was nice to walk in the woods with the morning humidity and the sunlight playing through the trees. There is a lot of trees down from spring windstorms so there will be plenty of material for runes, wand, and staffs.

Also...Giveaway coming soon! And the skop's news address is https://www.bonanza.com/booths/sunwyn It may be a temporary....not sure yet. I will also be vending at Dayton Pagan Pride in September. Look for further deatils here and ob the Facebook Page.
